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Fire Alarms
When a building fire alarm activates on campus, residents must leave the building immediately and remain at the designated gathering point until their presence is recorded. Both campus safety and wellbeing [1] assistants and the Amherst Fire Department [2] respond. Students who are found responsible for failure to leave a campus building when a fire alarm is activated is a violation of policy. No one may enter the building until the fire department determines that it is safe to return. Campus safety and wellbeing [1] may open and enter locked rooms to ensure that no one is inside and to check for the source or cause of the fire alarm.
Campus safety and wellbeing and residence life staff conduct fire drills at least one time per semester in each residence area. All occupants of a residence hall must leave the building immediately any time the alarm sounds. These drills are not announced and staff may enter each apartment, hallway, and room to ensure compliance with proper evacuation procedures. If staff discover fire safety or other violations, students will be contacted by a staff memeber regarding the violation(s) and any prohibited items will be confiscated.
If a fire alarm activates and an individual knows the cause, this individual is required to call campus safety and wellbeing [1] from a safe location and explain what happened. If the fire alarm is activated inadvertently (cooking smoke, shower steam, etc.), the individual responsible must be available to talk to campus safety and wellbeing [1] and the fire department [2].
Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment
Fire extinguishers and fire detection and alarm systems are in place to protect the community. Tampering with fire safety devices is a serious violation and is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
Tampering with fire safety equipment will result in a student being referred for a community standards review, which will result in a accountability adn community restoration plan, which could range from an educational warning to administrative notice or even removal from campus housing.
When responsible individuals cannot be identified, all residents of that particular area may be found responsible.
Open Fires
Open fires (inside or outside) are prohibited anywhere on campus or College property, including fire pits, woods, and fields unless prior written approval is granted by the director of campus safety and wellbeing [1] and the town fire department [2]. Please contact residence life and student engagement staff for safety information and expectations for registering to use the enfield fire pit at 413.559.5453.
Use of grills (charcoal and gas) is not permitted inside, on balconies, or exterior stairwells. Charcoal and gas barbecues are permitted on the grounds, but must take place at least 25 feet (7.62 meters) from buildings. Propane gas containers must be stored outside, at least 3 feet (0.915 meters) away from building openings such as doors, windows, dryer vents and air intakes. Barbecue grills must not be left unattended and must be totally extinguished before leaving. The College may confiscate any barbecue grill that is used inappropriately and any container of propane gas or other flammable liquid without notice.
Other open burning, including sage and other cleansing rituals, are not permitted in residence halls without the explicit written permission of the Senior Director for Student Success & Engagement or Senior Director for Community Care and Wellbeing.
Additional Fire Safety Regulations
The College may confiscate any fire safety hazard, including but not limited to prohibited items listed below, from any place, including student rooms and lockers, at any time, with or without notice. The College has no obligation to identify the owner of confiscated property, notify the owner of any confiscation, or reimburse the owner of confiscated property for any loss or damage to said property.
Prohibited Items
(Visit the prohibited items [3] section for a full list of items prohibited in addition to fire safety prohibited items.)
Toaster ovens may be used only in kitchens or lounges. Small microwaves and hot pots with auto shut off are permitted in student rooms. Appliances must be kept clean at all times and unplugged when not in use.