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Community Standards Records


FERPA requires that schools obtain written permission from students before releasing education records. Exceptions to this include a health or safety emergency, to provide information to schools to which a Hampshire student is transferring, in certain student conduct cases, and in other circumstances described in FERPA. In addition, in well-defined circumstances, some information may be released without written permission from the student. College officials with a legitimate educational interest may also have access to a student's education records without prior consent.

Records pertaining to the informal and formal community standards resolution process and meetings or hearings will be maintained in private files (as part of a student’s education records) by the dean of students office for a period of seven (7) years and then destroyed or no longer reported with the exception of suspensions and expulsions, which remain a permanent part of a student's educational record.

If a student chooses to provide written consent for disclosure of information, they may do so by submitting a written request to the dean of students office by emailing

For further information regarding FERPA and Hampshire College FERPA and Privacy of Records.