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Interim Administrative Action


The Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, Senior Director of Student Affairs for Student Retention & Success, or designee may assign restrictions and/or separate a student from the community pending the scheduling of an informal or formal community standards resolution meeting or hearing on alleged violation(s) of the Standards for Student Accountability and Norms for Community Living. These restrictions may occur when a student poses a serious threat to an individual or the community, creates a disturbance to the normal operations of the College or educational environment, or to preserve the integrity of an investigation. 

Interim actions can include separation from the institution or restrictions on participation in the community for no more than ten (10) business days pending the scheduling of an informal or formal community standards resolution meeting or hearing on alleged violation(s) of the Standards for Student Accountability and Norms for Community Living. Students are not considered responsible for violation of policy until such time that a finding of responsibility be determined and the student is notified in writing (via email and/or hard copy).