Questions or comments? Contact the dean of students office at
Student group recognition, policies, activities, and events are overseen by student engagement [1]. Hampshire College encourages students to design and implement programs that enrich and are consistent with the educational mission of the College. The name “Hampshire College” and all abbreviations are the property of the Trustees of Hampshire College and may not be used to imply, either directly or indirectly, the College’s endorsement, support, favor, association with, or opposition to an organization, product, or service without permission of the College. The student engagement [2] staff, Senior Director for Student Success and Engagement, the Senior Vice President for Justice, Equity, and Antiracism, or designee, may deny recognition, or cancel events or activities that violate any of these criteria.
Hosting/Registering an Event or Program
All events have an impact on the image and reputation of Hampshire College. Therefore, event organizers have the responsibility to ensure that their events reflect the core values of the institution: responsibility, community, and well-being. All events must comply with the campus event safety policy: [3]
The event registration process is designed to provide assistance to event organizers and student group representatives in navigating the various steps necessary to host an event on campus. This includes providing support with reserving facilities, complying with applicable campus policies and procedures, and ensuring adequate program planning. The policy covers the following events hosted on campus:
For general event planning guidelines visit [4].
Looking for information about how to host events in the residences? Visit the social events section [5] for more information.
Large Events, Conferences, and Multi Day Events
Large Events
Events with an expected attendance of more than 200 individuals require consideration beyond the two-week event-registration requirement. Residence Life and Student Engagement will work in conjunction with student organizers in an attempt to accommodate large events. However, because each event may require unique considerations, each must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Hosting Conferences or Multi Day Events
Students who want to hold a conference or multi day event on campus must do so in conjunction with student engagement. Planning must begin at least four months in advance of the conference or multi day event. Conference planning requires a large amount of preparation and logistics. Considerations need to include: funding, event budget, time of year, location, security, contracting with outside vendors/speakers, expected attendance of on- and off-campus individuals, parking and traffic, food, lodging, setup, technical needs, conflicts, advertising, and guest registration.
Student Engagement [1] has guidelines that student organizers need to follow when planning a conference or multi day event. Due to availability of campus resources, students and student groups are allowed to host only one conference or multi day event a year. For information about additional requirements and planning procedures, please visit student engagement [1].
Additional Event Planning Regulations
Fundraising Policy:
Contract Policy:
Any performer, speaker, organization or outside vendor at an event sponsored by a student group or using SAF funding must complete and sign a Hampshire College Contract. All contracts must be authorized by student engagement [1] staff.
Students are prohibited from signing any contracts or making verbal and/or written commitments to outside agencies, as it makes them PERSONALLY LIABLE for fulfilling the terms of the contract should a problem arise.
Contract Request Forms must be submitted a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event date. Each person/organization/vendor receiving payment will require its own individual contract. Please submit one contract request form for each person/organization/vendor receiving payment.
Contract request forms can be found on the HampEngage [10] homepage under campus links.
Residence life and student engagement should also review all rental or purchase contracts as well as legally binding agreements to ensure the terms are agreeable for Hampshire College.
Any questions about contracts can be directed to the assistant director of student engagement [1].
Reserving Space:
The dining commons, red barn, main, west, and east lecture halls in Franklin Patterson Hall, the merrill and dakin living rooms, and most academic and other campus spaces may be reserved through the event registration form. The library gallery may be reserved through the gallery coordinator, 413.559.5622.
Any reservations of space for student events made with event services and summer programs [9] will be considered tentative until the event registration form (ERF) is approved by residence life and student engagement [1]. If an ERF has not been approved, tentative bookings will be canceled two-weeks prior to an event without notice. Food and beverages are allowed only in certain spaces; when making reservations, refreshments must be noted. Sensitivity to neighboring classes, offices, meetings, and functions should be exercised. All campus events have a 10 p.m. curfew Sunday through Thursday and a 1 a.m. curfew on Friday and Saturday.
Hampshire College emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility and accountability in the lives of its students. Additionally, the rights and duties of recognized student groups also carry with them an obligation on the part of their members, collectively, to uphold the policies and community standards set forth in the Standards for Student Acccountability and Norms for Communinty Living. This statement of group accountability acknowledges that unacceptable behaviors by individuals functioning as members or signers of a student group may have consequences for those individuals as well as for the group.
Also, the privilege of being a signer of a student group carries with it particular responsibility for the reasonable anticipation and prevention of foreseeable violations of College policies, resulting from either deliberate or negligent behavior of the group's members or guests.
In general, a recognized student group may be held accountable for the behavior of its members and guests on its premises, at events sponsored or co-sponsored by the group, or when a group including significant numbers of members or guests violate community standards. Student groups that violate community standards may be subject to accountability measures. It is the responsibility of group signers or those in charge of an event to identify foreseeable problems that may arise and to take timely corrective action.
Student Engagement will address student groups reported as violating community standards, and when appropriate accountability measures will be imposed. At the discretion of student engagement, typically for significantly egregious violations, student groups may be referred to the Office of Community Standards and Student Accountability for resolution through the community standards process.
New Student Group Recognition Process
Students at Hampshire College have the opportunity to start new student groups contingent on the Student Engagement staff evaluating the following: type of activity, similarity to existing groups, their detailed mission statement, proposed community engagement, risk and safety concerns, as well as the viability of the group determined by potential conflict with Community Standards.
Students who are wanting to create a new student group on campus are able to do so at any time by following the outlined process below:
After completion of all steps listed above and approval from the Student Engagement staff, the new student group will have full HampEngage privileges, a meeting food account, a general expenses account and the ability to request funds from the SAF.
In addition to the New Student Group Recognition process, these groups must follow the same student group and signer expectations outlined below.
Regardless of where New Student Groups are in their recognition process, they must complete the Spring Re-registration to be active for the next academic year.
Returning Student Group Recognition Process
The student group recognition process is held in the spring semester for the next academic year's recognition. All groups, new and established, are required to complete and submit a registration form each year.
Student Engagement [2] staff evaluate all applications to determine if additional information is necessary, and if approved, the group is recognized for the next academic year. Consideration will be given to the type of activity, similarity to existing groups, their detailed mission statement, proposed community engagement, risk and safety concerns, as well as the viability of the group determined by potential conflict with Community Standards.
Groups may be asked to have a faculty or staff advisor, and/or submit a self-risk activity assessment. Once recognized, all participating members of the group must complete a student activities risk waiver.
If a registration form is not submitted, or supplemental information is not provided, the registration will not be approved.
Unrecognized student groups are not eligible to receive direct funding from the student activities fund (SAF), nor have an active HampEngage page.
Student Group Expectations:
Signer Expectations:
Maintaining Your Student Group Recognition.
These recognition requirements will be reviewed both mid-year and as part of the annual recognition process to determine eligibility for continued group recognition. Groups may be moved to a frozen status if they do not fulfill these specific requirements.
For additional information on becoming a recognized group visit [1].
Students in Merrill and Dakin Residence Halls will receive a full meal plan. This includes full access to the Dining Commons, conveniently located next to the halls. The Dining Commons offers meal service consisting of breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekdays when classes are in session, with brunch and dinner service on weekends and during break and study periods. The Dining Commons also includes a snack and beverage service between meals with the full meal plan.
Students living in Prescott/Enfield Mods, will automatically receive a partial meal plan, but may choose to upgrade to a full meal plan. The partial meal plan includes an $806 Dining Dollars balance, which can be used for any item sold at the Bridge Cafe or Kern Kafe, any food item (snacks groceries, and more) at the HampStore, at the Mixed Nuts co-op, and for meal service at the Dining Commons. There are no meal period or transaction limits on Dining Dollars - buy what you want, when you want. Dining Dollars will roll over from the fall to Spring semester.
Students participating in the full meal plan will also receive a balance of $500 in their Dining Dollars account each semester for the purchase of alternate or additional meals, beverages, and snacks at the Kern Kafe (our campus coffee shop, open for breakfast and lunch) and Bridge Cafe (our quick service location located on the second floor of the Robert Crown Center, open for afternoon and evening hours most of the week). Dining Dollars may also be used for food purchases at the Mixed Nuts co-op (a student-run organization), and the HampStore (our school store, located on the ground floor of the library). Dining Dollars will roll over from the fall to Spring semester and will expire at the end of the academic year.
The full meal plan also offers a Five College Meal Exchange Program [12] that allows students who are enrolled in a course at a Five College partner during a meal period to take that meal at the host school, at no additional charge.
5 Guest Meals @ the Dining Commons Per Semester for All Students ( including students not living on campus) will also receive 5 guest meals at the Dining Commons per semester - stop by the Dining Commons at any meal period to pick up your guest meal tokens for the semester. Please note that, as meal swipes are no longer used at the Bridge Cafe or Kern Kafe, tokens may only be redeemed for meals at the Dining Commons.
$250 in Hamp Dollars Loaded in Your Accounts Each Semester for All Students (including students not living on campus) will have $250 in Hamp Dollars loaded to their accounts each semester. These flexible funds can be used for anything that Dining Dollars are eligible for, and also any item sold at the HampStore. This balance will roll over to the Spring semester, but will expire at the end of the school year.
All student services are accessed via your OneCard, which will be provided to you at Move-In. Days and hours open for dining and retail facilities may vary throughout the semester.
Need Additional HampDollars? Additional HampDollars can be purchased at any time during the semester using NelNet, which can be accessed via the Hub.
Meal plans are subject to change each year, and information about meal plan options is available from the dining services office or the dining options and meal plans page [13]. Block meal plans are nontransferable, but guest meal tokens are available. Block meals taken at the Bridge Cafe and Kern Cafe are processed as meal swaps (see below). Students must have their Onecard [14] to enter the dining commons or to use their block meal plans at the Bridge Cafe and Kern Cafe. Students will be asked to retrieve their card if they arrive without it.
If you need assistance, have questions regarding meal plan options contact Nick Mason, Senior Director of Auxiliary Services, at [15]. Need help with OneCard or lost your card, email the OneCard office [16].
Entering and Exiting Dining Commons
Students who have a block meal plan or who have paid with café card funds, cash, credit, or debit cards are allowed into the Dining Commons. Guests are not permitted to enter the dining room unless they have paid for their meal or they have presented a guest meal token. Coffee, tea, fountain soda, and light snacks are available in the dining commons between meal periods for a nominal fee. Food must be consumed inside the Dining Commons, COVID protocols permitting.
Dress Code
Everyone entering the Dining Commons is required to wear a shirt, shoes and a mask at all times. A mask may be removed when seated at a table. We ask that all clothes be clean to ensure proper sanitation.
Dining Accommodations
Students with food and dining-related disabilities are encouraged to work directly with dining services and the office of accessibility resources and services (OARS). Most dietary needs can be addressed by working directly with dining services to identify available options. Students can concurrently pursue the formal accommodation request process [17] with OARS to identify need for accommodation not able to be accommodated directly with support from Dining Services
Hampshire College understands financing a college education is a significant investment for students and their families. While it is the responsibility of both the students and their families to pay college expenses prior to the beginning of each semester, the college is aware that many families may require financial assistance. The college provides significant financial resources to help students who meet the required admission and financial need standards. Families anticipating the need for financial aid should submit a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at [18] by the deadline each year. The filing deadline for returning students is May 1st.
For detailed information about our aid programs and policies, our application process, due dates, and links to forms, outside resources, agencies, and federal websites visit the Hampshire College Financial Aid webpage [19]. A brief description of some of the most important financial aid features are included below.
Aid Eligibility
Financial aid offers are based on demonstrated need, academic progress, and fund availability. Financial aid is not automatically renewable; families must reapply for financial aid each academic year. Need is the difference between the cost of a Hampshire education and the amount a student and family can reasonably be expected to contribute. The expected family contribution consists of a contribution from the parents, a portion of the student’s savings and assets, and a summer earnings expectation from the student.
Students must be making satisfactory academic progress [20][285] according to the College's guidelines to be eligible for financial aid (federal, state, and institutional awards including merit scholarships). Thecenter for academic support and advising (CASA) [21][11] and the financial aid office [22][30] will measure academic progress once per year at the end of the spring semester.
Aid Application Process
All financial aid students (except international students) need to reapply for financial aid each year. For U.S. citizens and permanent residents the FAFSA [23] [287] form is used to determine eligibility for federal, state, and institutional aid including federal student loans, federal and state grants, and federal work-study. Students applying for fall term institutional aid must provide the necessary financial aid forms to the financial aid office by May 1. Students applying for aid for the spring term only must submit these forms by December 1. Renewal application reminders are emailed in the spring; new applicants may notify the financial aid office that they wish to apply.
Be sure to review your online financial aid account on TheHub [24][54] to review the status of your aid application and check for missing documents; click on the "My financial aid" link; log in again; be sure the appropriate year is showing in the drop down box in the top right corner, click on the "menu" icon in the upper left corner, and then click on the "My Documents & Messages" tab.
Students selected for the verification process need to provide all required forms and data, including those for the verification process, before a financial aid offer is determined.
Aid Decisions
Hampshire College determines federal and institutional financial aid on the basis of demonstrated financial need. The first element in the determination of a student’s offer is the financial aid budget set by the College to cover the student’s cost of attendance, which includes tuition and fees, housing and food (or expenses for those not living on campus), books, supplies, travel, personal expenses and federal student loan origination fees.
From the information provided on the application form, the FAFSA determines a Student Aid Index (SAI). This is calculated by examining the income and assets of both the student and parents for a dependent student or the student or the student and spouse, if applicable, for an independent student. The SAI is deducted from the student’s cost of attendance, resulting in the family’s need.
After we receive all of your required documents and data for your aid application, we will review your application and determine if we can provide you with need-based aid. On-time applicants will be notified of their financial aid decisions by the end of June; late applicants will be notified after their aid application becomes complete. You will be sent an email to your Hampshire email account directing you to your online financial aid account onTheHUB [24] [54] to review your financial aid offers; instructions on how to view your account will be included in the email notification. You must also accept your offers onTheHUB [24][54] to authorize us to post them to your College bill and to originate and disburse your federal aid. The self-help (Federal Direct Student loan) component of your aid offer will increase each year as you progress toward your degree.
Aid Policies
All students must maintain satisfactory academic progress [20] to be eligible for financial aid including merit scholarships, need-based institutional aid, federal and state aid.
International students who did not receive a grant from the College upon their initial enrollment are not eligible during their Hampshire career, even if there is a change in circumstance or currency exchange rates.
Students not on a full meal plan will have a reduction in their need based institutional grant. Students living at home with their parent(s) will have a reduction in their cost of attendance and their corresponding institutional grant eligibility. Please contact the financial aid office for more details.
Please review our website for additional policies: [25]
Types of Financial Aid
A financial aid offer may be composed of funds from federal, state, and institutional sources. Families are encouraged to apply for all types of aid.
Federal Pell Grant
Federal grant funds available to students who demonstrate high need. Students must apply each year for Pell grant consideration by completing the FAFSA application. The federal government determines eligibility and amount. Grants are considered gift aid and are not paid back.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal grant funds available to students who demonstrate high need and have Pell grant eligibility. Students must apply each year for FSEOG consideration by completing the FAFSA application. Funds are limited and although a student may be eligible, the resources may not be available.
State Grants
Need-based and/or non-need based scholarships and grants may be available from a student’s home state. Currently, Massachusetts and Vermont grant programs can be applied to tuition at Hampshire College.
Hampshire Need-based aid
Need-based assistance is determined each year using the information provided on the FAFSA application and is awarded by the Financial Aid Office.
Federal Work Study
A need-based federal program that allows students the opportunity to work on-campus or with an off-campus partner. Eligibility is determined by federal and college regulations, and is intended to provide students with the ability to help defray educational costs during the course of the academic year. Funding is limited.
Hampshire also has institutionally funded work study for international students. For more information please refer to the Student Employment section on this handbook.
Federal Student Loans
Students are eligible for a student loan even if they are not receiving other assistance. Students not awarded but interested in a student loan must notify this office of the loan amount. Hampshire participates in the Federal William D. Ford Direct Loan Program [26][288]. The FAFSA [27][289] is the application for this loan program. Annual loan limits are $5500 for first-year students (0 - 6 successfully completed courses); $6500 for second-years (7 - 12 courses); and $7500 beginning with the third year (third year = 13 - 18 courses; fourth year = 19+ courses). After all of the loan paperwork is completed, the loan will be disbursed to your student account. First-time borrowers are required to participate in an online entrance counseling session and sign a master promissory note before their loans can be disbursed. These forms can be completed at [28]. Students are also required to participate in an exit counseling session when leaving Hampshire. Student rights, responsibilities, and obligations will be explained during both entrance and exit sessions. Hampshire College adheres to a strict Code of Conduct [29] [290]related to student loans.
Other Aid
Additional assistance may be available through other resources. We recommend you view our website for more information: [30]
Financial Aid Office
If you have any questions about the financial aid application process or our policies please contact us by phone at 413.559.5484; by email at [31][87], visit our website at [32][291] or drop by our office. We are located on the second floor of the R. W. Kern Center.
If you need to send documents to the financial aid office be sure to write your name and/or Hampshire ID number on each document. You may securely fax documents to 413.559.5585 or mail them to the Financial aid office, Hampshire College, 893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359. You may also upload your documents to your financial aid portal. For more information about uploading documents, visit [33].
There are a variety of employment opportunities and experiences for students at Hampshire College. Eligible students can view the master job list [34] [292] and other job listings.
Students can work up to 7 hours per week in general work study positions (combined hours in all positions held) and are paid directly on a biweekly schedule according to the time submitted on the HUB. The wage rate for most positions is $15 per hour for the 2024-25 academic year. Students must apply for and secure their own positions, employment is not a guarantee. Students may need to utilize some of their work-study earnings to satisfy their tuition bills, and have the option to pay directly or to sign up for payroll deduction. The student accounts office [35] [293] allows students to deduct up to $500 per semester from work-study earnings.
Students are required to complete paperwork before they begin their employment. All first-time employees at the College must complete an I-9 Form (requires identification and citizenship or visa status) to certify their eligibility for employment. W-4, M-4, and work authorization forms are also required and are available in the student employment office [35] [293].
Students must submit their hours worked, by the payroll processing due date, electronically on TheHUB [36] [294]; click on the "Enter My Timecard" link. Students will not receive pay for hours not reported. The hours worked must also be approved by the student’s supervisor.
Students with federal work study funding may not earn more than the work-study offer listed on their financial aid offer letter. Students will be notified periodically of their award balance. If a student earns the maximum offer, the student will need to stop working even if the semester or year is not over. If the student earns more than the maximum offer, the financial aid office may need to reduce the student's institutional grant funding to keep their total aid within their financial aid budget.
For additional rights and responsibilities as a work-study employee please refer to your Work Authorization form(s) or contact the student employment coordinator or the financial aid office.
Computing - Acceptable Use Policy
The IT computer labs are available to all members of the Hampshire community to support teaching, learning, and research. Unauthorized use of these facilities is prohibited. For additional information about IT, visit [37].
Student Computing Acceptable Use Policy
Hampshire College’s computing, server, network, and Web resources support academic, research, and administrative needs of all students, faculty, and staff members of the College community. The following policy is intended to shape the College’s use of these resources and to assert our shared values and expectations. Students agree to this policy by virtue of their relationship with the College.
The College owns the network, servers, and all college-purchased computer systems. Personal use of the College’s computing resources is permissible as long as it does not interfere with other users’ access to resources for academic work and is not excessive. The college assumes no responsibility for the preservation of any files or data, and is not liable for any loss of or damage to any files or data stored on the college's network or servers. Students are personally responsible at all times to back up for their files and data.
Accounts to College resources, including email, are issued to all students at time of enrollment and remain in effect as long as the student maintains a student relationship with the College. These accounts are for the sole use of the student to whom they are issued. Accounts are not transferable. Students are responsible for choosing secure passwords and maintaining password confidentiality. Students are also responsible for checking their college email accounts regularly, as all official College correspondence via e-mail is sent to these accounts only. The College is not responsible for setting up, using, or forwarding e-mail to any other account. Students may retain email accounts as alumni in accordance with the College’s e-mail policy.
Students may not access, inspect, or alter any file or directory belonging to another user without their permission. Students may not harass other users by sending unwanted e-mail, programs, or other files that are knowingly disruptive or may be reasonably construed as threatening or disparaging of others. Students may not knowingly forward virus-infected e-mail or files to others and are strongly encouraged to maintain updated virus protection software on their computer. Students may not use the College’s resources to gain unauthorized access to other computing resources either on campus or elsewhere. Nor may they use College computing, network, or web resources, including access to the internet, for solicitation or operation of commercial ventures or interests. Students may not use the College’s computer resources in any way that violates the College’s gender-based and sexual misconduct policy, nondiscrimination policy, or other policies.
The College believes in freedom of speech regardless of the medium used for communication and does not want to act as a censor of information on college resources, including webpage content. However, the College will investigate complaints arising from either the college community or external sources and will comply with, and enforce, applicable laws and college policies as appropriate. All e-mail and files on college-owned computers and servers are legally the property of the College. The College reserves the right to inspect e-mail and files and take appropriate action without notice if there is reasonable belief that there has been intentional or inadvertent disruption to the College’s network or other shared resources or if there is suspected violation of this policy or applicable laws.
Students may not damage, deface, alter, or remove any College computing equipment from campus without authorization or deliberately attempt to degrade the performance of College computing or network resources. Students may not install software on any College computer system without appropriate authorization or install software that is in violation of any licensing agreement.
Guidelines regarding Ethics of Scholarship [38] apply to course work completed on computers and network and web resources just as they do with any other type of course work. Students should be aware of and abide by all applicable copyright laws and licenses.
OPRA Position on Substance Use
All OPRA facilities, trips, events, and activities are substance-free. This position is taken very seriously and will be enforced in accordance with the alcohol and other drug policy [39]. Failure to comply with these policies will result in removal from participation in activities, including removal from trips and teams at the participant's expense and without reimbursement for expenses paid. OPRA supports students looking for substance-free experiences and is committed to continued support of this environment.
General Use of the Robert Crown Center (RCC) & MultiSport Center
The RCC and multisport center are for use by Hampshire College ID holders and not the general public.
Robert Crown Center Swimming Pool
The Sauna
Current valid Hampshire ID holders only and no guests. Clothing is required in the facility. Gender-neutral and gender-specific hours are posted in the RCC.
Equipment Use
Because of the considerable loss of equipment, the following Policy will be enforced:
For additional information regarding equipment, defensive driving, trips, game schedules and more, visit [40].
The College does not provide liability insurance for injuries or damages caused to others during athletic events. See the Student Insurance section [44] for more information.
Personal Vehicles on Campus
The College is not responsible for, nor will it pay any claims for, damages to student-owned vehicles resulting from falling ice, snow, tree limbs, or any other natural occurrence or event on its property or elsewhere, whether or not the possibility of such an event is warned against. The College is not responsible for, nor will it pay any losses, claims, or other damages, to student-owned vehicles resulting from vandalism, collision, or other acts by any person, other than damage caused directly by its employees. See the personal vehicle section [45] of the Five Colleges Inc. website for more information. Reckless driving and driving on walkways, fields, and other areas of campus not intended for regular auto traffic is prohibited. Students reported for reckless driving will be referred to the office of student rights and responsibilities.
Registering Your Vehicle
In order for Campus Safety & Wellbeing to regulate and manage motor vehicles on campus students who want to bring, operate, or park a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or moped on the Hampshire College campus must do the following:
Five College Students
Non–Hampshire College students enrolled in classes on our campus who are requesting a parking placard must complete a proof of registration form and bring it to the central records office [47] on the first floor of the Lemelson Center for Design to obtain a signature. Bring this signed form, your student ID, and your vehicle registration to the parking office at the rear of the Dakin Student Life building to obtain a parking placard. These placards are free of charge. The Five College student placard is valid for any Hampshire College student parking lot.
For more information, please contact Campus Safety & Wellbeing at 413-559-5345 or email [48]
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking is located throughout the Hampshire campus. A valid Hampshire parking placard is required in addition to a handicapped placard to utilize accessible parking in any lots requiring a decal. Any student in need of long-term or permanent accessible parking should visit their state’s motor vehicle department to learn about acquiring a placard for accessible parking. More information about applying in the state of Massachusetts can be found with the Registry of Motor Vehicles. [49]
Students with ADA placards issued by the RMV can park in any accessible space in any parking lot on campus.
Temporary Accessible Parking
Students in need of temporary accessible parking due to an injury or other short-term, disability-related circumstance may request a temporary parking pass through the office of accessibility resources and services (OARS). [17]
Vehicle Registration Requirements
Students are not allowed to have any unregistered vehicle(s) on campus. Student vehicles must be registered within ten (10) business days of arrival on campus. A valid driver’s license and a valid vehicle registration are required in order to receive a parking placard. Insurance must have your name on the policy. A student can have only one vehicle registered on campus at a time.
All student vehicles must be insured and registered with a state (MA or state of permanent residence, if different) to be kept on campus. MA registered vehicles must display a current inspection sticker to be considered registered. Vehicles registered out of state must comply with all requirements of that state and clearly display any required decals or placard.
Vehicles approved must be able to park completely within one standard size parking space. Large campers, trailers, or buses are not allowed. Students are not allowed to reside overnight in their vehicles.
Placard Fee
As of the 2024-2025 academic year, parking decals will be issued to students free of charge. Vehicles must be registered every academic year. Parking placards are good from September 1 - August 31 the year they are issued. The replacement placard fee is free. A vehicle is not considered registered until the parking placard is affixed to the vehicle according to the placard placement sheet you will receive when obtaining your placard. Vehicles not registered within 10 business days are subject to being ticketed and towed with warning at the owner’s expense. All parking issues should be directed to [48]
Placard Returns
Parking placards are non transferable and must be affixed to the vehicle for which they are issued. When you change vehicles or license plates you will need a replacement placard. If you sell or dispose of your vehicle, you must first deactivate the previous placard and then register another vehicle on the hub.
Parking Lots and Usage
Student vehicles must be parked in the designated student parking lots identified by a parking sign that reads "student parking only." Student vehicles will be cited when parked in other parking lots/spaces. Each student lot has a section for faculty/staff and visitors. These are not student parking spaces. Only registered student vehicles can be parked in the student parking spaces. Students should not park in areas marked "snow removal."
Student vehicles may need to be moved at times throughout the year, for reasons including maintenance and snow removal. Clear instructions will be provided for moving these vehicles a minimum of one day in advance.
Vehicles must be in operable condition at all times while parked on campus. Students may not perform maintenance on vehicles owned by themselves or others when parked on campus property.
If a student must utilize a student parking space for some reason other than normal driving/parking/storage of said vehicle, it must first be approved through the Student Project Approval Process [50].
Parking Regulations
Vehicle residency is prohibited
No recreational vehicle, camper shell, bus, automotive or similar device shall be used for living or sleeping quarters on Hampshire College property.
Can’t Find a Space?
Contact Campus Safety & Wellbeing at 413.559.5424 if you cannot find a space in your designated lot. Do not park illegally.
Summer Parking
There is no summer parking available for students who are not housed or working on campus. Vehicles may not be stored on campus at any time. Vehicles displaying evidence of non-use will be ticketed and towed.
Winter parking is available for students; instructions for where to place your vehicle over the winter break will be provided with other winter break instructions. Student vehicles not moved to designated areas may be towed and/or plowed in.
Loss of Parking Privileges
Students who show a continual disregard for parking and/or driving regulations risk losing the privilege of having a vehicle on campus. The Division of Justice, Equity, and Antiracism (JEA), upon recommendation by campus safety & wellbeing staff [8], may make this decision.
Vehicles are ticketed when parked or driven contrary to the Norms for Community Living. Citations range from $20.00 to $100.00, depending on the violation. Fines are billed directly to a student’s account. Non-students, visitors and anyone with unregistered vehicles who have their vehicles ticketed should mail their payment to Hampshire College, Campus Safety & Wellbeing, 893 West St., Amherst, MA 01002. As of August 1, 2024, the vehicle citation schedule will operate as follows:
Hampshire college is not responsible for damages to vehicles towed because of violations of these regulations.
Restricted Parking
Vehicles parked in restricted areas (e.g., fire lanes, bus stops, on grass, on walkways), unregistered vehicles, or vehicles that are parked in violation of parking regulations are subject to being towed without warning at the owner’s expense.
Citations may be appealed by completing a parking appeal form on TheHub [51] within five (5) business days from the time the citation was issued. Questions can be directed to the Campus Safety & Wellbeing office at any time.
Visitor/Guest Temporary Parking
All visitors and guests are required to provide Campus Safety & Wellbeing with the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number to be issued a temporary parking permit. The permit must be visibly displayed in the vehicle. If you are visiting a student, the host student must be present (with a valid student ID) when applying for a temporary parking permit. There is no cost for a visitor temporary parking pass. To submit an application for a temporary parking permit, please submit the form linked here [52].
Parking business is conducted at the Campus Safety & Wellbeing office.
Campus Safety & Wellbeing administrative office is on the ground floor of the Dakin Student Life Center (accessible from the rear entrance). Contact 413.559.6151 or [48].
Family/Gym Members
Any member of the gym not affiliated with the college may receive a gym parking pass valid for 1 year from the date issued. The gym member must show their issued Hampshire College ID or Hampshire College gym membership to obtain the permit.
Disabled Vehicles
Improperly parked disabled motor vehicles must be reported to Campus Safety & Wellbeing at 413.559.5424 immediately, along with plans for their removal. Vehicle owners must have improperly parked disabled vehicles removed within (3) hours or will be subjected to towing. Campus Safety & Wellbeing reserves the right to tow a vehicle if it blocks fire access or is a safety concern.
Abandoned Motor Vehicles
Will be towed at owners expense in compliance with Massachusetts General Law. The towing and subsequent storage and or disposal cost are the responsibility of the vehicle owner. The owner of the vehicle may also suffer the penalties of law under MGL Chapter 90 section 22B. Vehicles may be towed at the Direction of the Assistant Director of Campus Safety & Wellbeing. Hampshire College accepts no liability for any vehicle abandoned on College property and vehicles that do not display valid registration plates and or parking decal may be considered abandoned.
All bicycles on campus must be registered. Registration is free of charge and can be completed on TheHub [53] [305] anytime. The decal will be sent to you via campus mail. The registration decal will expire upon the student’s graduation date no longer than five (5) years from original registration.
All bicycles on campus must be stored in approved outdoor bike sheds and secured to a bicycle rack. Bicycles may not be secured to fire hydrants, trees, parking signs, ramps, railings, or left in the path of egress in any building on campus. Bicycles that are inappropriately secured may be immediately removed and/or confiscated.
Bicycles must be removed from campus during the summer break. Bicycles left over the summer will be considered abandoned and will be confiscated and discarded.
The College must continuously remove unregistered bicycles from campus to make room for registered bicycles. Any bicycle in violation of the College’s bicycle policy or unregistered will be confiscated and, if not claimed within thirty (30) days, will be discarded.
Stolen bikes, like any theft on campus, should be reported to Campus Safety and Wellbeing 413-559-5425 [48] immediately. The college is not responcible for any bicycle brought or left on campus, whether secure or not.
Use of College Vehicles
College vehicles are not available for personal use; this includes personal transportation to and from classes at other institutions. Pool vans can be reserved for College business and College-approved student programs. Please be sure to carefully read all information on the checking out Pool Vehicles webpage [54] [306]. Student groups must contact the student engagement [1] [274] office. For offices and academic departments, a department budget manager or designated assistant makes the reservation. A vehicle request can be made three days or more in advance.
Members of the College community who want to be eligible to operate a College vehicle must attend a defensive driver class [55] [307], and have a clean driving record. Credential forms must be filled out via Five College risk management [56] [308] for insurance purposes by everyone who will drive a College-owned or personal vehicle on College business.
All drivers of pool vans or personal vehicles driven on College business, are expected to follow the rules in the pool vehicle handbook [57] [309] and abide by all campus regulations and all local, state, and federal laws.
Travel Accident Insurance
The College provides limited travel accident insurance, including medical evacuation and repatriation to students traveling on College or academic business, worldwide. Worldwide travel assistance services are also available. For details or see the Five Colleges Inc. website [58] [310].
Auto Use
The College purchases auto liability insurance, which protects both the College and the driver from third-party liability and third-party property damage arising from the use of College-owned, hired/rented, and non-owned vehicles. The Five College risk management website [58] [310] has more detailed information on this coverage.
For College-owned vehicles, the student driver must be credentialed and have permission from a faculty member, a dean, a coach, or a department head to drive a College vehicle. For details on becoming a credentialed driver, visit Five College risk management policies [56] [308].
To rent or drive a rented vehicle for College business, the student must be credentialed and have written authorization from an authorized person (see owned vehicles, below) and be a scheduled driver with the rental company. Most car rental agencies prohibit persons under the age of 25 from driving rented vehicles. The College policy is to waive coverage for liability and collision coverage on domestic rentals; however, students should follow departmental guidelines with respect to waiving the rental company insurance. If the College insurance is used, a certificate of insurance should be obtained as proof of insurance.
If a student drives their own vehicle on College business, such use must be specifically authorized in writing by the department head or chair before the use occurs. The College policy is excess of the student’s own policy with respect to liability coverage. No coverage is provided for any physical damage to the student’s vehicle, nor will any deductible amount be paid by the College, whether or not the vehicle is used for College business, and regardless of any liability of the driver or other parties.
The College auto insurance policy may not cover unauthorized drivers. Unauthorized drivers may be personally liable for claims brought against them. The College may also have a right to claim against unauthorized drivers.
Weather Conditions
Trips may be canceled due to adverse weather conditions. The Campus Safety & Wellbeing [8] [112] Assistant Director has the authority to cancel pool vehicle reservations due to the adverse weather conditions and will utilize all available weather information to determine the advisability of allowing vehicles to leave the campus. As a matter of policy, the College expects drivers to interrupt their trips when weather conditions deteriorate, find a safe place to wait, and to resume the trip once the weather improves.
OPRA Van Use
Outdoor Programs and Recreation and Athletics vans are only for the use of College staff for transporting people to OPRA programs, courses, and events.
OPRA does not lend or rent vans.
Smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illegal drugs are prohibited in OPRA vans.
The transportation of alcohol or illegal drugs in OPRA vans is prohibited.
Prohibited Items
A number of items are prohibited in the Hampshire College buildings. These prohibitions are in place to support the health and safety needs of all community members. Some of the prohibited items are specific to students living in the residences. This listing is not all-inclusive of specific items, but gives a comprehensive description of types of items not permitted and does include some specifics to guide student understanding of prohibited items.
An additional list of fire safety prohibited items can be found at the end of the fire safety policy [59] [167].
Weapons, Firearms, and Explosives
Students are prohibited from introducing, possessing, using, buying, selling, carrying, or displaying any weapon or replica. Weapons are defined as any device or substance that is designed, used, or likely to be used to cause bodily harm, or property damage.
Firearms are prohibited and defined as any gun, rifle, pistol, handgun or device designed to fire bullets, BBs, pellets, or shots (including paintballs), or other projectiles, regardless of the propellant used.
Other weapons include but are not limited to, mace, pepper spray, taser, stun guns, knives with fixed blades, switchblades, spring-loaded knives, pocket knives with blades longer than 4 inches, kitchen utensils not used for their intended purpose, martial arts weapons, bow and arrows of any type, swords, brass knuckles, sling shots, explosives, or incendiary devices such as firecrackers are strictly prohibited on campus.
All “prop” weapons used in plays, the theater, etc., must be registered and stored at campus safety. The policy also covers any other items deemed by campus safety & wellbeing [8] [112] to be dangerous, including hazardous chemical or biological material of any sort. Also included are displays/collections of the above-named items, ornamental weapons and ornamental ammunition.
Any prohibited items are subject to confiscation and permanent forfeiture without any expectation of return or reimbursement. Violators will be subject to criminal prosecution and sanctions up to and including removal from the College.
Trespass Policy
Campus Safety & Wellbeing Assistants/Advocates are authorized to give oral and written notices of trespass warnings to individuals based on their authority granted by the Trustees of the College and Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 266, Section 120 to control the safety of students, faculty/staff, and visitors upon the property owned by or under the control of Hampshire College. Violation of this order will result in criminal prosecution up to and including arrest.
Campus Safety & Wellbeing Assistants/Advocates or other College employees may ask community members or visitors for identification. Failure to comply with such a request may result in removal from the Hampshire College campus and/or trespass for non-students. Students are required to carry their Hampshire College ID cards with them at all times.
The Hampshire College Post Office is located on the ground floor of the library. Window hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Students must include their name and mailbox number on all incoming mail and packages. Delay in delivery will likely occur if this information is not included. (Note: A student mailbox is nota P.O. Box. Please, soley use #( number sign and your mailbox number) on U.S. Mail, UPS, FedEx and DHL packages.)
How to Write a Student Mailing Address
Student Name
# (Student Mailbox number )
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002-3359
The mailbox numbers assigned to students will remain the same throughout their Hampshire careers, even if the student lives off-campus. Students living off campus should check their mailbox on a regular basis.
All on-campus mailings will be distributed to mailboxes. Combinations for student mailboxes can be found on theHub under personal information. Then look under Campus Box.
Please do not ship packages to campus prior to August 1st for the fall term 2020, and January 15th for the spring term 2021.
If a student is unable to get mail/packages and wishes that someone picks up for them, they must inform the post office by email; giving authorization. The authorization must include the name, mailbox #, and the name of the person who will be getting the mail. To open the mailbox, that person should know the mailbox combination. They must also provide an ID at the time of pick up.
The post office sells stamps and provides USPS services and UPS shipping. Some shipping materials (Packaging such as boxes or envelopes) for both services are provided. Students must pack their own items, address them and provide their own shipping tape. Items must be sealed before going out.
Notice: The post office only accepts cash as payment.
Mail runs to the Amherst Post Office are done twice a day, Mon-Fri. Those times are 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Five College mail delivery is a free service that is available between the Five College community (Mon-Fri). The post office has mail slots for both outgoing stamped mail and Five College mail located in the post office lobby.
The USPS website, [60] [311] is a good source of information for mailing questions, package tracking, as well as looking up zip codes.
Post Office Forwarding Service
During the summer or when a student is on leave of absence, field-study leave, medical leave, consortium agreement, or has withdrawn, the Hampshire College Post Office will close their mailbox and all 1st class U.S. mail will be forwarded to the student’s current address. If the address needs to be updated, please contact the central records office. The College post office will forward it via U.S. mail in most cases. The post office will reopen the same mailbox to a student returning from leave. No mail will be forwarded during winter break.
Mail will be forwarded for one year following graduation or withdrawal from the College.
Magazines and newspapers will not be forwarded to students. In order to receive subscriptions while they are away, students must inform the sender of the magazines and newspapers of their forwarding address at least four weeks prior to leaving the College.
The following information is provided to let students know about the insurance coverage that the College may purchase and how the coverage may apply to students, as well as to advise students of insurance that they may wish to purchase. The descriptions of coverage are not intended to, nor do they supplement, amend or modify any insurance policy terms and conditions. The College reserves the right at all times to modify its insurance coverage, terms, conditions, and limits without notice to any person or entity, including students, faculty, and staff. Students may want to make adjustments in their own coverage if they feel that it would be appropriate to their interests.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that all students carry health insurance while attending College. The College provides a student health insurance plan that meets or exceeds the state requirements. The program is a “hard waiver” program, which means that students are automatically enrolled and billed for the student health insurance plan unless they waive the coverage in accordance with the plan requirements. For details of Hampshire College’s program, visit the student health insurance website [61].
Student health insurance is now comparable to most employer type health insurance programs. Nevertheless, the policy conditions, including co-pays and deductibles may result in a student incurring charges for some medical care. The College is not responsible for any deductibles, co-payments, medical, dental, or surgical expenses not covered or limited by the College’s student health insurance plan or any deductibles, co-payments, medical, dental or surgical expenses not covered or limited by the student’s own insurance plan.
Intercollegiate and Club Sports
Intercollegiate and club sports athletes have additional benefits available under certain policies that are purchased for their behalf by the College. Coverage applies to athletes who are injured while in organized competition or practice, which is constructively supervised, or traveling to or from one of these events. The sports accident policy provides up to $25,000.00 for intercollegiate and club sport injuries, and has a $500.00 deductible. If you are not enrolled in the student health insurance plan you are responsible for meeting the deductible either with your own insurance or out of pocket. (The student health insurance plan provides coverage for intercollegiate sports injuries or covers club sports as “any condition” subject to policy limits, terms, and conditions.)
Since Hampshire is not an NCAA member, the College also carries an intercollegiate sports catastrophic policy on all of its athletic teams that has a $25,000 deductible and a policy limit of $5,000,000 for medical expenses only, in excess of all other collectible insurance. In addition, Hampshire also carries a club sports catastrophic policy with the same benefits. The benefits of all of these policies are over and above benefits available through any other valid and collectible insurance available to the injured person. Associate Director of OPRA, Amanda Surgen [62]administers these insurance policies. These policies do not extend to participants in intramural or any other recreational sports. They cover intercollegiate and College-recognized club sports only.
The College accepts no responsibility for any losses, costs, or expenses not covered by the insurance policies listed above, whether by coverage terms or exclusions or the injured student’s failure to comply with policy-required claims procedures.
Travel Accident
The College provides limited travel accident insurance, including medical evacuation and repatriation to students traveling on College or academic business, worldwide. Worldwide travel assistance services are also available. Contact the global education office for details or review travel accident and assistance coverage [63].
Hampshire College purchases auto liability insurance [64] that protects both the College and the driver from third-party liability claims and third-party property damage claims arising from the use of College-owned, -hired/rented and non-owned vehicles when driven on College business.
A. For College-owned vehicles, the student driver must be credentialed as a defensive driver [65]. Please read about procedures for claims [66] and other rules for use of College-owned vehicles [67].
B. To rent a vehicle or to drive a rented vehicle for College business, the student must have advance written authorization from an authorized person (faculty member, dean, coach or department head), be a College-certified defensive driver [65] and a scheduled driver with the rental company. Most car rental agencies prohibit persons under the age of 25 from driving rented vehicles. The College policy is to waive coverage for liability and collision coverage on domestic rentals; however, students should follow departmental guidelines with respect to waiving the rental company insurance. If the College insurance is used, a certificate of insurance [68]should be obtained as proof of insurance. Students must make the request through the office of risk management.
C. If a student drives their own vehicle on College business, such use must be specifically authorized in writing, before the use occurs, by an authorized person (see B, above). The College policy is in excess of the student’s own policy with respect to liability coverage. No coverage is provided for any physical damage to the student’s vehicle, nor will any deductible amount be paid by the College, whether the vehicle is used for College business or not and regardless of any liability of the driver or other parties. The College assumes no obligation to provide transportation to any College program, and it is the general policy that student use of personal transportation is for the personal pleasure and convenience of the student. Massachusetts [69] requires insurance on all vehicles registered in the state.
The College auto insurance policy may not respond to cover unauthorized drivers. Unauthorized drivers may be personally liable for claims brought against them. The College may also have a right to claim against unauthorized drivers.
Departments are responsible for credentialing drivers. Students must complete the online credentialing application, indicating their experience and agreement to college rules. Driving College vehicles is a privilege, not a right, and the college has the right to withdraw the privilege or make a referral to the community standards process for failure to follow the rules or for any at-fault accident.
Personal Vehicles on Campus
The College is not responsible for, nor will it pay any claims for, damages to student-owned vehicles resulting from falling ice, snow, tree limbs or any other natural occurrence or event on its property or elsewhere, whether the possibility of such an event is warned against or not. The College is not responsible for nor will it pay any losses, claims or damages to student-owned vehicles resulting from vandalism, collision or other acts by any person, other than damage caused directly by its employees.
The College does not have property insurance for student possessions, and it accepts no responsibility for any personal possessions or property of students. Any possessions in student rooms or left in storage areas are left at the owner’s own risk. It is recommended that students keep their doors locked at all times and not leave valuable items in storage areas. Students are responsible for insuring their own property against loss, and may be able to do so using family policies or by obtaining a tenant’s policy through a local insurance agent. Students may also wish to consider purchasing student property insurance through URMIA [70].
The College is not liable for the actions of its students, nor is it possible for the College to obtain liability insurance on behalf of its students. Student athletes especially should be aware that if they are sued for injuries or damages caused to others in the course of an athletic event, Hampshire’s insurance does not provide coverage. The liability section of your family's homeowner’s policy or renter’s policy may provide for the defense of the student and damages awarded, if any, in a suit alleging negligence. Students are responsible for avoiding intentional acts or negligent behavior that could harm others or give rise to adverse legal action. Although the College will not provide liability protection, it may, at its discretion, assist in obtaining a defense if it is not provided for by family insurance coverage.
If a student is sued for an act or omission and believes that they were acting in the capacity of an employee or agent of the College at the time of such act or omission, the student should contact the Divison of Justice, Equity, and Antiracism immediately for instructions.
Workers’ Compensation
Students who are employed by the College, and who are injured in the course of their work for the College, are eligible for Workers’ Compensation. If a student is injured on the job, the student should contact their supervisor immediately to report the injury and complete an accident investigation form. Questions should be directed to the student’s supervisor and the human resources office [71].
In some circumstances the installation and use of video cameras for recording is needed to address persistent and pervasive violations of Handbook or College policies on campus, such as on a temporary basis to enhance the safety of the community, reduce risk, and aid in the prevention and investigation of violations against the College, its community members or visitors. The privacy of our community members is a fundamental principle in the design and implementation of the use of video recording on campus. Below is an overview of requirements for use:
Access to video
Images will be stored for fourteen (14) days unless the image is utilized to address a possible Handbook or College policy violation. Further policies regarding records, storage and release of information can be found below:
Only the following employees are authorized to utilize the video software and view the recordings, unless specified and detailed for a specific reason: