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Academic Dishonesty: Procedures for Dealing with Violations

Academic dishonesty (plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of data) is a breach of the ethics of scholarship and a violation of one of the central norms of an academic community. Because reports of academic dishonesty are most likely to arise from work done in a course or for a divisional project, a member of the college faculty usually brings forward the report. When such a report is brought forward, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The faculty member will inform the student and the School dean that a violation of academic honesty may have occurred. The School dean will inform the dean of advising of the violation.  The faculty member will provide all documentation to the dean of advising, who will meet with both the student and faculty member, and recommend a course of action. If the dean of advising determines that it is more likely than not that academic dishonesty has occurred and determines that it is a first offense, the dean of advising will:
    • Write a letter of warning to the student, to remain in the student’s academic file;
    • In consultation with the faculty member and the School dean, determine academic consequences that may include but are not limited to submitting a revised or new assignment; no evaluation given for the course regardless of add/drop/withdrawal deadlines or, in the case of Division III work, a decision to set aside the project in question and require the student to do an alternative project on a different topic with a different committee (unless the committee concerned agrees to continue working with the student).

Academic integrity lies at the core of our work and unacknowledged borrowing from the work of others in any medium is a fundamental repudiation of the deepest values of the academic community. Therefore, in cases of egregious violation, the dean of advising may also refer the case for review through the Formal Conduct Process, as outlined below.

Referral of the Case to the Formal Conduct Process
Second or multiple offenses concerning plagiarism or other violations of the ethics of scholarship (as well as egregious first offenses) will be referred by the dean of advising to the Formal Conduct Process.  Among the sanctions available if found responsible for a violation of the Ethics of Scholarship are probation, suspension, and expulsion from the College.

The student has the right to appeal the finding of academic dishonesty and/or sanctions to the vice president of academic affairs and dean of faculty. Findings may be appealed only on procedural grounds.

Process for Appeal
Appeals of procedure and appeals of sanction(s) by the student must be submitted in writing to the vice president for academic affairs within five (5) business days after written notification of the finding and/or sanction is sent to the student. Appeals must state the specific rationale for a procedural appeal and/or the grounds for an appeal of the sanction.

In all cases of an appeal, the vice president of academic affairs shall review the appeal and the pertinent facts relative to the appeal, determine if further investigation is warranted, and render a decision.  The vice president of academic affairs will endeavor to render a decision within 21 days after an appeal has been submitted but may take additional time to consider the appeal when such time is deemed necessary. The vice president’s decision is final. 

Record of Cases of Academic Dishonesty
All cases of academic dishonesty should be reported in writing to the dean of advising.  A confidential record of all cases of plagiarism will be maintained by the Center for Academic Support and Advising (CASA) to aid in determining appropriate action. 

Academic Dishonesty at another institution
Should a charge of academic dishonesty be brought against a Hampshire College student at another institution (i.e. Five Colleges, study abroad institution, internships or other external academic institutions) the policies and procedures of the host institution will apply.