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Mandated Response and Action


The College has as responsibility and obligation to ensure students are held accountable for their actions and behavior, as well as provided the necessary support and guidance that promote their involvement in the community and overall student success. Therefore, to facilitate this accountability and support students are required to respond, adhere, and complete all requests or instructions by a College employee who is carrying out the assigned duties of their position. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Responding to email or written notice in the amount of time specified.
  • Discontinuing a particular behavior, action, or inaction.
  • Completing an accountability measure or sanction within the time specified in the notification received.
  • Complying with terms of an intentional avoidance notice or no contact directive.
  • Attending meetings where your attendance is requested or required, which includes meetings related to community standards reviews, bias response intake meetings, Title IX intake meetings, academic advising appointments, restorative process intake meetings, campus safety and wellbeing meetings and investigations, accommodation appointments and requests, and other administrative meetings and interventions related to a student status as a member of the Hampshire community.
  • Providing false or no identification when asked by College officials, including your name and student ID.
  • Not following published instructions and policies in print or online.


Failing to response or participate in processes, may result in a student being referred for community standards review or being subject to interim administrative measures being put in place, such as holds or college service restrictions.