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For student-on-student discrimination or harassment allegations, students should contact any of the following resources:


Reporting Resources




Types of Support

Dean of Students Office

Zauyah Waite, Ph.D

Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students


Shawn McQuillan-Krepps, Ed.D.

Senior Director of Student Affairs - Student Retention & Success


Tasia Clemons


Director of Student Affairs - Student Retention & Success

413.559.5412/Merrill Student Life Center - 2nd Floor

The dean of students office and the division of student affairs provide programming, resources, and an array of services to help facilitate student development and student success; support and cultivate a rich learning environment; and encourage community building at Hampshire College.

The staff in the dean of students office is available to meet with students to provide individual guidance or support, as well.


Title IX Coordinator & Deputy Coordinators

Amy Fabiano
Interim Title IX Coordinator

Amanda Surgen
Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Carolyn Strycharz
Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Patrick Rojas
Deputy Title IX Coordinator




508.926.3395 (Remote)


413.559.5754/RCC - 1st Floor


413.559.5746/Merrill Student Life Center - 2nd Floor


413.559.6689/Dakin Student Life Center - 2nd Floor

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for monitoring compliance with Title IX; ensuring appropriate education, training, and resollution of all reports under this policy; and ensuring appropriate actions to eliminated sexual misconduct violations, prevent their recurrence, and remedy their effects. The Title IX coordinator is available to meet with any student, employee, or third party to discuss this policy or the procedures.


The College has also designated Deputy Title IX Coordinators who may assist the Title IX Coordinator in the discharge of responsibilities.

Justice, Equity and Antiracism Division

Sheila Lloyd
Senior Vice President for Justice, Equity, and Antiracism

William Syldor-Severino
Assistant Dean of Restorative Practices and Antiracism

Teal Van Dyck
Director of Accessibility Resources and Services


413.559.5379, Cole Science Center



The Office for Justice, Equity and Antiracism is responsible for the general advancement of diversity in the life of the College. This includes racial, ethnic, gender, disability, and class diversity, as well as diversity based on sexual orientation. The primary mission is to safeguard campus wellbeing as it relates to diversity issues. Responsibilities include serving as an information clearinghouse for the whole community with regards to resources and opportunities related to diversity; sponsoring and organizing academic and cultural activities around these same topics; and supporting the work of the faculty on curricular and pedagogical innovations that advance the representation of traditionally marginalized or underrepresented groups in the academic program. The office also assists with the creation of opportunities for students to engage such issues in settings inside and outside the United States, including field studies, study abroad programs, and internships.


Confidential Reporting and Counseling




Types of Support

Health and counseling services



413.559.5458. Located near the Red Barn.


For medical attention MWF 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and TTh 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. when classes are in session. For mental health counseling appointments MWF 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and TTh 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m when classes are in session.


Spiritual life
Robert Gordon

413.559.5415. Enfield - Spiritual Life Center.

For spiritually-based support.

For allegations related to the College’s sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking policy you may contact the resources and support for students: