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Video Recording Use Policy


In some circumstances the installation and use of video cameras for recording is needed to address persistent and pervasive violations of Handbook or College policies on campus, such as on a temporary basis to enhance the safety of the community, reduce risk, and aid in the prevention and investigation of violations against the College, its community members or visitors. The privacy of our community members is a fundamental principle in the design and implementation of the use of video recording on campus. Below is an overview of requirements for use:

  • All installations and use of video equipment must be authorized by the offices of the dean of students, campus safety and security, information technology, Title IX and rights and responsibilities.
  • Video equipment may not be installed in locations where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy such as residence hall rooms, restrooms, locker rooms and classrooms.
  • All cameras must be in plain view and signage must be posted for areas that are being recorded.
  • Any cameras installed that are equipped with the capacity for audio recording will have that feature disabled so only video with no sound is recorded.

Access to video

Images will be stored for fourteen (14) days unless the image is utilized to address a possible Handbook or College policy violation. Further policies regarding records, storage and release of information can be found below: 

Only the following employees are authorized to utilize the video software and view the recordings, unless specified and detailed for a specific reason:

  • The Title IX coordinator to address and mitigate persistent and pervasive violations of policy.
  • The dean of students office staff to address and investigate policy violations.
  • The director or shift supervisor of campus safety and wellbeing as part of an investigation or to support security efforts.
  • Information Technology directors may access if maintenance or support is needed for the use of the video equipment.