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Smoking Policy FAQs


Am I allowed to have cigarettes on campus or in my living space?
Yes, you are allowed to be a smoker and possess smoking products. You can only smoke in the designated smoking areas.

What about personal motor vehicles? Can I smoke in my car?
No, while you (and your car) are on campus property, smoking is limited to designated smoking areas.

Who enforces the smoking policy?
We all do. As a community, it is our responsibility to hold each other accountable. If you see someone smoking on our campus, ask them to move to a designated smoking area and thank them for complying.

What do I say to someone who is smoking?
Gently and kindly remind them of our policy and that Hampshire restricts smoking to designated smoking areas around campus. Use the acronym “SMOKE” to remember how.

S is for Smile and introduce yourself
M is for Make the assumption the person just doesn’t know the policy
O is for Offer resources for smoking cessation if they are interested
K is for Kindly remind them of the policy
E is for Enforce the policy by asking them to move to a designated smoking area

Inspired by Portland Community College’s educational campaign.

The conversation might look something like this:
Person 1: Hey, I’m [name], how are you today?
Person 2: Hey, I’m [name]. I’m good, how about you?
Person 1: Pretty good, thanks. So I noticed you are smoking and wasn’t sure if you knew Hampshire restricts smoking to designated areas. Can I show you to one?
Person 2: Oh whoops, I didn’t know that.
Person 1: No worries, thanks for being willing to move!

It might feel awkward to talk to someone else about smoking, but if you come to the conversation from a place of compassion and understanding, most people will comply.

In the unlikely event someone gets angry or refuses to move to a designated smoking area, just walk away and ask someone else, like a faculty or staff person to help you.

I’m interested in quitting; how can I get support or resources?
For College employees:
Resources are available via Blue Cross Blue Shield and Employee Assistance Program.

For students:
Resources available via Health and Counseling Services and the Wellness Center.

  • health and counseling offers one-on-one quit coaching with medical professionals; contact 413.559.5458 to make an appointment.
  • the wellness center offers resources for students who want to quit; contact for more information.

For all community members:
Apps to help include, Quit Now, Craving to Quit, Quit Guide, This is Quitting.

Social Media: #quittingsmoking;


Quit Lines:

  • 1-800-QUIT-NOW/1-800-784-8669 or 1-877-44U-QUIT
  • Spanish: 1-800-8-Déjalo (1-800-833-5256)
  • Other languages: 1-800-784-8669 to connect with interpreter service
  • Deaf/TTY: 1-888-229-2182
  • Request a callback from a Helpline coach

Text messaging: Text QUITNOW to 202-759-6436