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X. Consensual Relationships

A.  Prohibited Sexual or Romantic Relationships between Students and College or Third Parties Employees 

Hampshire College is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and supportive campus community that holds the education of students as the highest priority. Amorous, dating, romantic, or sexual relationships between College employees or third-party employees and students, even if consensual, can negatively interfere with the pursuit of learning and the academic environment and the integrity of the institution. Students have a right to an academic, professional, and socially engaging community and such relationships undermine the likelihood of such a community by introducing the possibility or perception of favoritism, abuse of power, and conflict of interest, all of which compromise the ability of employees and third-party employees to carry out their responsibilities to students and risks undermining the College’s educational mission. 
For these reasons, it is strictly prohibited for any college employee or third-party employee to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship, or in any romantic or sexual conduct, with any student currently enrolled at Hampshire College or taking a class at Hampshire College, including during leave and when the College is not in session.
There may be an instance that there is a pre-existing relationship between an employee and an individual (or student and an individual who becomes an employee), including marriage, and that individual becomes associated with the College as a student (or employee). In such instances, the employee is asked to disclose the consensual relationship to the human resources office. It is the responsibility of the director of human resources, in consultation with the employees supervisor, to take steps to mitigate potential conflicts and protect the educational experience of the student, and other students at the College whom may be affected by the consensual relationship.
If an employee violates this policy, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

B.  Relationships Between Employees

In cases where a consensual sexual or romantic relationship exists between Employees who hold unequal positions of authority, it is important that the person in the position of greater authority does not exercise any supervisory or evaluative function over the other person in the relationship.  Accordingly, if this dynamic exists, the Employees in the relationship shall notify Human Resources to evaluate the situation and ensure that alternate supervisory or evaluative arrangements are put in place.  The College will protect Employee privacy but reserves the right to share information with individuals who may have a need to know about the relationship in order to make alternative supervisory arrangements in compliance with this policy.