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Student Room Use and Access


Use of Student Rooms
Only registered Hampshire College students may live on campus. Housing is contingent upon a student’s maintaining an active student enrollment status. The only persons who may reside in a room are those assigned by the College. Residents may not invite or permit any other person to reside in their assigned room or in any other area of a residence hall.

Student rooms are to be utilized as bedrooms and/or study space. The use of bedrooms for other purposes is prohibited.

Subletting of a student room to any other person not officially assigned to that room is prohibited.

Right of Entry
Students’ right to privacy in their bedrooms is respected by the College to the extent practical. In most instances, the College is able to give students advance notice of a need to enter student rooms. A submitted work order acts as permission for facilities and grounds personnel to enter a student’s room for the purpose of making the requested repair(s). By requesting maintenance service within a student's assigned room or anywhere in their apartment/mod, a student implicitly authorizes a facilities and grounds worker to enter their room, bedroom or apartment/mod to perform the service that you have requested.

Other appropriate College employees may enter student rooms under the following conditions: 

  • In an emergency or situations that involve possible harm to persons or property, danger, or criminal activity. 
  • To conduct fire safety/health inspections.
  • At the start of the winter vacation when staff carry out shutdown procedures in the residence halls.
  • When a student cannot be found on campus to resolve situations taking place in their room that affect other students, such as when another student is scheduled to move into that room or when loud music or a ringing alarm is left unattended.

Access to a student room cannot be given to another student without the explicit permission of the occupant of the room. Students will be granted access to another's room for a finite period of time in order to accomplish a specific task. Permission may be granted in writing via an email from the occupant's Hampshire College email account sent to Permission may also be given via phone to a member of the residence life and student engagement staff.

Key-Card Access Policy for the Residences
All exterior doors to buildings equipped with card readers will be locked at all times. All students living in a building equipped with card access will have 24-hour key-card access to the building in which they live. Tampering with the operations of doors, windows or card readers may result in referral to the formal conduct process that could result in sanctions including but not limited to restitution of damages and removal from campus housing.

The College, at the discretion of the dean of students office, has the right to make changes, or to restrict an individual student’s access settings on their card. For more information, about your student ID card, visit the OneCard office website or contact the OneCard office at

Keys and Lockouts
Any duplication of College keys is strictly prohibited. Replacements for lost keys must be obtained from the residence life staff during working hours. If a key to a student room is lost, the lock on the door is automatically changed and two new keys are made. In the apartments/mods, if an entry key is lost, the lock is changed and replacement keys issued to all residents of that apartment/mod. When a lounge key is lost, a new key to the lounge is issued to the resident.

Students are charged $5.00 for each key replaced, $60.00 for each bedroom re-core, and $100.00 for each apartment/mod entry recore, (this includes key replacements for all apartment/mod residents. Replacements for lost key cards (in applicable residence areas) must be obtained from the OneCard office, located in the Dakin Student Life Center. Lost cards will be immediately deactivated and a new card issued to the student for a fee.

If a room key is not returned within 48 hours after occupancy is concluded, the lock must be changed. Students will be charged for replacement lock core and keys, as above.

Key cards (in applicable residence areas) will be automatically deactivated immediately after occupancy is concluded, and will be reactivated if and when new occupancy begins.

In the case in which keys and/or a key card are lost, access to a student’s room can be obtained by calling campus safety and wellbeing (x5424 from an on campus phone or 413.559.5424).